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THORDATE: Appointment Manager and Calendar Utility
Version 2.0
Copyright (c) 1985 by THORMARK SYSTEMS
All rights reserved.
THORDATE is a full-featured appointment manager and calendar
utility for the IBM PC, PC/XT, and compatible MS-DOS (2.x)
computers, allowing the use of free-form, unformatted and unfielded,
appointment files prepared by any editor which produces standard
ASCII text files.
You can construct your appointment files using any editor
which produces standard ASCII text files (where each line ends with
a CR/LF combination, and a control-Z marks the end of file). Most
available text editors, both line editors and full-screen editors --
including the EDLIN editor packaged with DOS -- can be used to
prepare such files, and most word-processing programs also have an
option permitting production of standard ASCII text files. (If you
are using a word-processing program, however, be sure to press
<ENTER> at the end of each line -- since word-processors typically
use the CR/LF combination to mark the ends of paragraphs -- and to
save your file in the appropriate UNFORMATTED fashion.) The freedom
to use the editor of your choice to construct appointment files is
one of the more pleasant features of THORDATE, for it allows you to
begin using the program immediately, without learning yet another,
usually different, set of editing commands for preparing your
appointment files.
THORDATE itself, however, contains two options which allow
for the creation and maintainance of appointment files. The APPEND
option will add lines to a designated appointment file, giving you
the option of creating the file if it does not already exist. The
ERASE option will delete lines from a designated appointment file.
Although these options do not replace a full-fledged text editor --
neither will allow you to make changes inside individual lines, for
example -- they are fully adequate for quick updates and occasional
prunings of appointment files, and may prove to be all you need.
An appointment file ENTRY is simply a line of text (up to
127 characters) terminated by a CR/LF combination -- that is, by
pressing <ENTER> at the end of the line. The date on which you wish
to be reminded can appear anywhere within the line -- and, indeed,
more than one date may be included, so that you can arrange to be
reminded several times, well in advance of the actual event. An
entry that looks like this, for example:
Our wedding anniversary! august 7 (7/28, 8/1)
-- 1 --
will get you a total of at least SIX reminder displays each year:
on July 27, July 28, July 31, August 1, August 6, and, of course, on
the great day itself. Notice that you may omit the year
specification in appointment file entries. THORDATE will supply the
current year. This especially convenient feature allows you to
enter repetitive annual events -- birthdays, holidays, anniversaries
-- into your appointment file just once. THORDATE will then
reliably display the appropriate reminder each year.
THORDATE is remarkably intelligent when it comes to dates
appearing in your appointment file entries. THORDATE recognizes ALL
standard American (month-day-year) date formats in appointment
files, numerical and alphabetic, abbreviated or spelled out in full,
upper- or lower-case. Thus all of the following are admissible as
dates in appointment file entries:
3/9/85 03-09-85 March 9, 1985
3.9.1985 MAR 9, 1985 MARCH 09 1985
03,09,1985 mar 9 march 9
THORDATE also allows you to enter standing monthly or weekly
engagements into your appointment files. It will thereafter remind
you, automatically, on the appropriate date each month or the
appropriate day every week.
To receive automatic MONTHLY reminders of a standing
engagement on a given date, simply include that date immediately
between two asterisks in a suitable entry-line in your appointment
file. For example, an entry that looks like this:
*15* Mid-month summary report due.
will get you a reminder on the 15th of EACH month (and also, of
course, on the 14th). The *dd* combination can occur anywhere on
the entry line. Leading zeroes on one-digit dates are optional.
Automatic reminders of standing WEEKLY appointments work the
same way, except that here it's the day-of-the-week on which you
wish to be reminded that gets included immediately between the
asterisks. As usual, THORDATE is very forgiving about the details:
You may use the standard three-letter abbreviation rather than
spelling out the day in full, and you may, as usual, use either
upper or lower case. Thus all of the following entries will get you
an automatic reminder EVERY Wednesday (and, of course, as a "coming
attraction", every Tuesday as well):
*WEDNESDAY* 10:30 am Meeting of department heads
10:30 am *wednesday* Meeting of department heads
-- 2 --
Meeting of department heads 10:30 *WED*
Meeting of department heads *Wed* 10:30 am.
If you call THORDATE without any arguments (that is, by
issuing the command
from the DOS prompt), you will be presented with the THORDATE MENU:
[R]etrieve appointments for today through next business day.
[T]oday's appointments only.
[S]pecified date's appointments only.
[W]eek's worth of appointments.
[C]alendar for specified month and year.
[N]umber of day sequentially within year for specified date.
[D]ate for sequential day number within specific year.
[A]ppend new entries to appointment file.
[E]rase entries from appointment file.
[H]elp screen for command line options.
You will then be prompted to enter a selection or, optionally, to
exit from the THORDATE program entirely.
The first four menu options (R,T,S,W) are dedicated to
retrieval of entries from appointment files; the next three (C,N,D)
belong to THORDATE's calendar utility; Append and Erase allow you to
create and maintain appointment files; and the final option (H)
displays instructions for invoking any of THORDATE's features or
procedures directly from the command line, that is, without making a
detour through the menu.
This last feature is particularly useful in connection with
the use of an AUTOEXEC.BAT file. For example, by including the
in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file with both THORDATE.COM and the default
appointment file THORDATE.DTA on your DOS disk or in your root or
-- 3 --
boot-up directory, you can receive a display of current and pending
appointments automatically each morning upon turning on and booting
up your computer. Be sure, however, that you have set the date
first (using the DATE command from DOS), since THORDATE retrieves
the current date from DOS.
If you select one of the entry-retrieval options from the
menu, you will next be asked various questions. If you have
selected [S] (Specific date's appointments) or [W] (Week's worth of
appointments), for example, you will be asked for a date or starting
date. Dates entered in response to these prompts may be in any
standard American (month-day-year) NUMERICAL format. Either a two-
digit or a four-digit year specifier may be used, or the year may be
omitted entirely, in which case THORDATE will supply the current
year. You have the option of responding by simply pressing <ENTER>,
in which case THORDATE will use the current date ("today") as its
In any event, you will be asked for the name of the
appointment file which you wish to consult. The default appointment
file, THORDATE.DTA, may again be selected simply by pressing
<ENTER>. The flexibility of THORDATE is greatly enhanced by
allowing you to use alternate appointment files in place of the
default file THORDATE.DTA. Any admissible DOS file name may be used
as a "filespec". Thus, for example, two partners -- say, Smith and
Jones -- might each keep an appointment file -- SMITH.APT and
JONES.APT -- in the directory with THORDATE. Answering the prompt
for an appointment file with SMITH.APT would instruct THORDATE to
scan Smith's appointment file and retrieve his or her appointments,
while answering it with JONES.APT would result in appointments and
reminders being retrieved and displayed from Jones's appointment
Finally, you will be asked if you desire printed (hardcopy)
output. If you answer 'Y' for YES, just be sure that your printer
is switched on and selected (on line). The default here is 'N' for
NO, and, as usual, the default can be selected simply by pressing
Once you have answered these questions, THORDATE goes to
work. If it finds the specified appointment file on the active disk
or in the working directory, the program scans the file and proceeds
to retrieve and display the appointments, reminders, and other
entries for the selected dates. If you have selected option [R],
THORDATE will display the entries listed for both the current day
and the following day. THORDATE very practically interprets "the
following day" in terms of business days, so that, for example, if
you call the program on a Friday, your reminders and appointments
for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday will also be retrieved and
displayed. If you have selected option [T], THORDATE will display
the entries listed for the current day only. If you have selected
option [S], entries for the date you specified in response to
THORDATE's question will be retrieved. And, finally, if you
selected option [W], THORDATE will dutifully display any entries it
-- 4 --
finds for each day in the seven-day week beginning on the date you
THORDATE's various features and options may be invoked
directly from the command line by including various "flags" and
"parameters" after the name of the program. If you call the program
with the -R option, i.e., by issuing the command
from the DOS prompt, THORDATE will proceed to retrieve and display
the entries for the current and following day from the default
appointment file THORDATE.DTA; if you call it with the -T option,
i.e., by issuing the command
THORDATE will retrieve and display your reminders and appointments
for the current day only; if you call it by issuing the command
THORDATE -D mm/dd/<yy>yy
the program will retrieve and display your reminders and
appointments for the specified date; and if you call it by issuing
the command
THORDATE -W mm/dd/<yy>yy
the program will retrieve and display your reminders and
appointments for the seven-day week beginning on the specified date.
THORDATE is also indifferent to the distinction between upper- and
lower-case, so that -r, -t, -d, or -w may be used in place of -R,
-T, -D, or -W. Thus all of the following commands are admissible:
THORDATE -D 4/18 thordate -w 4/18/1985
To select a specific appointment file other than the default file
THORDATE.DTA, simply include the option
-F filespec
on the command line when you call THORDATE. Calling the program by
issuing the command
for example, would retrieve entries for the current and following
-- 5 --
days from the file SMITH.APT, while calling the program by issuing
the command
THORDATE -f jones.apt -d 7/9/85
would display any entries for the specified date from the
appointment file JONES.APT.
You may combine the appointment file selection option with
any of the -R, -T, -D, and -W options. THORDATE will conveniently
ignore the difference between upper- and lower-case, as well as the
ordering of options on the command line. Thus all of the following
are allowed:
THORDATE -f smith.apt -D 03/09/1985
thordate -w 7/17 -f JONES.APT
thordate -r -f smith.apt
If you want a tidy hardcopy printout of your appointments, simply
include the option
on the command line when you call THORDATE. This printout option
can be combined with any of the appointment-management options
already discussed.
THORDATE is more than just a full-featured appointment
manager and reminder service, however. In addition, the program
provides you with a handy calendar utility. Menu options [C], [N],
and [D] give you access to this utility.
If you select menu option [C], THORDATE will ask you to
specify a month and year. THORDATE will then supply you with a
convenient calendar display for the month of your choice to help you
with your scheduling.
The next two options are particularly useful for
businessmen: If you select menu option [N], THORDATE will ask you
to specify a date, and then respond by telling you the SEQUENTIAL
DAY NUMBER (1 to 365 or 366) of the specified date within the
indicated year. If you select menu option [D], THORDATE will run
the same operation in reverse -- asking you to specify a sequential
day number and year, and then responding with the DATE on which the
specified sequential day number falls within the selected year.
These two procedures make it easy to compute the number of days
between two given dates or to find the date which is a specific
number of days later or earlier than another.
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Like all of THORDATE's features, these calendar utility
procedures can also be invoked directly from the command line. For
example, if you call THORDATE by issuing the command
THORDATE -C mm/<yy>yy
from the DOS prompt, using 'mm' (1 - 12) to indicate the month,
THORDATE will display a calendar for the desired month. Here you
may NOT omit the year specifier, but THORDATE is forgiving enough to
allow you the two-digit form. If you call THORDATE by issuing the
THORDATE -J mm/dd/<yy>yy
THORDATE will respond with the sequential day-number for the
selected date within the specified year. THORDATE will accept your
date specification in any of the standard American NUMERICAL formats
and will supply the current year if a year specifier is omitted. To
invoke the reverse operation -- date for a specified sequential day-
number and year -- use the command
THORDATE -X nnn/yyyy
where 'nnn' is the sequential day number (1 to 365 or 366) and
'yyyy' is a FOUR-DIGIT year specifier. (Please note: Here you may
NOT omit the year specifier, and all four-digits are required.)
Notice that the "flags" (-J, -X) for these two commands differ from
the corresponding menu selections.
Finally, there is an additional calendar utility option which can be
invoked only from the command line. Issue the command
THORDATE -K mm/dd/<yy>yy
and the program will respond by telling you the DAY OF THE WEEK
(Sunday, ..., Saturday) on which the specified date falls. (This
command is actually superfluous, since the same information is
readily accessible on the appropriate monthly calendar display. It
is left over from earlier versions of THORDATE, but there was
nothing in particular to be gained by omitting it here.)
If you select the option [A] from the THORDATE menu, you
will be prompted for the name of an appointment file. (As always,
THORDATE.DTA will be used if you simply press <ENTER>.) In this
instance, if the file does not exist, you will be offered the option
of creating it. In any event, once a (new or existing) file has
been successfully specified, THORDATE will proceed to prompt you for
new entries to append to that file. Simply type each entry (up to
-- 7 --
127 characters) the way you wish it to be displayed, being sure to
include the date or dates (or standing-appointment indicators) to
trigger THORDATE's retrieval procedures, and press <ENTER>. Until
you press <ENTER>, you may backspace and correct any part of the
current new entry. THORDATE will continue to prompt you for new
entries until you signal you are finished by just pressing <ENTER>
alone, then write your updated appointment file back on the active
disk from whence it came.
The APPEND procedure adds entries to the end of an
appointment file. The ERASE procedure -- menu option [E] -- on the
other hand, lets you delete entries starting from the beginning of
an appointment file. If you select option [E], you will again be
prompted for the name of an appointment file. Once THORDATE has
located the file, the program will present you with the entries in
that file one at a time. As each entry is displayed, you are given
the option of deleting it or keeping it. To delete an entry, you
just press D; to retain it, you press <ENTER> or <SPACE>. You may
also terminate this operation at any time, simply by pressing <ESC>,
upon which all remaining (unviewed) entries are written back to the
edited appointment file unchanged.
The "flags" for invoking these APPEND and ERASE operations
directly from the command line are once again straightforward. For
APPEND, you use
THORDATE -A filespec
and for ERASE,
THORDATE -E filespec
where "filespec" is the name of the appointment file you wish to
To help you keep track of the many command line options
which THORDATE provides, a help screen is available. Simply select
option [H] from the THORDATE menu. When you're sitting there
trying to remember the command line "flags" for day-of-the-week or
date-for-a-given-sequential-day-of-the-year, you'll find this a nice
touch. Like all of THORDATE's features and options, this help
screen too is accessible directly from the command line. Just issue
the command
from the DOS prompt.
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Every attempt has been made to ensure that THORDATE.COM and
its supporting files and programs perform as represented and are
free from bugs, flaws, and errors. However, THORDATE.COM, together
with its documentation and any other supporting files or programs,
is distributed "as is" without warranty as to performance,
merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. Any direct,
incidental, or consequential damages, including, but not limited to,
loss of anticipated profits or benefits, lost data or savings, or
other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use of
or inability to use this product are not the responsibility of
THORMARK SYSTEMS or the author of the programs and, to the extent
permitted by law, are hereby excluded for property and, to the
extent not unconscionable, personal injury damage.
THORDATE is now being distributed as "shareware", under the
concept of user-supported software pioneered by Jim Button, author
of PC-File III (tm). Individuals are hereby granted permission, and
indeed encouraged, by Thormark Systems to freely copy THORDATE
programs and documentation both for their own personal use and to
share with others on the conditions that no price or other
consideration is charged and that the program and documentation are
distributed together and not modified in any way.
If, after evaluating this program, you find it useful, you
are requested to send a registration fee of $25 payable to
(North Carolina residents are requested to add 4% sales tax.)
User-supported software is a matter of trust. The
"shareware" system not only encourages the creation of quality
software but makes it available to individual users at a reasonable
price, unaffected by the high costs of media advertising and
undesirable copy-protection schemes. Users are free to evaluate a
program in their own homes or offices and at their own pace, without
risk. The shareware system of free software distribution can only
survive, however, if the commitments of time and effort on the part
of program authors continue to be supported through the voluntary
payments made by satisfied users. I encourage you, therefore, to
copy and distribute this program for evaluation by others -- and I
trust you to forward payment in registration of your own copy if you
enjoy and continue to use it.
-- 9 --
Jay F. Rosenberg
Compuserve: 72145,1155
Usenet: unbent@ecsvax
(919) 942-3771
[THORDATE programs were written and developed using TURBO (tm)
Pascal. The TURBO (tm) run-time library is the property of and is
copyrighted by Borland International Inc.]